The Journey
A group of friends decided to set forth on a journey to find the Lost Land and the fabled treasure that was said to be hidden there. As they began planning their expedition, disagreement arose as to the best way to travel and some of them accused the others of glossing over the severity of the ordeals they would encounter. And so they split into two groups, each of which set off in their own direction. The first group journeyed along a winding path that wandered through the valleys and forests. Their trail rose steadily along the steep mountain ridges and eventually down into the region of rivers and lakes. The second group ran into more difficulty. Their path led them into a dense forest where they got lost. They found their way out only to discover steep cliffs that they had to climb. After they descended from the mountains, they were slowed by the mud and swamps of the lowlands. After one year had passed, the two groups met at the exact spot where the Hidden City was purported to be. There was nothing there. That evening the friends sat by a large fire and shared their stories of the past year. When they looked at the maps they charted, they were amazed to find that each group had actually followed the same route.